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Secured by Galah Cyber

“Secured” is the podcast for software security enthusiasts. Host Cole Cornford sits down with Australia’s top software security experts to uncover
their unconventional career paths and the challenges they faced along the way. Listen in as they share their insights on the diverse approaches to AppSec, company by company, and how each organisation’s security needs are distinct and require personalised solutions. If you’re entering the world of application security and need a helping hand or a veteran, you’ll find something valuable in every episode. Subscribe now to hear career stories and practical tips to help level up your career on “Secured by Galah Cyber”.

The most popular episodes of 2024

Dive into the standout episodes of Secured with Cole Cornford, where Australia’s leading cybersecurity experts, innovators, and leaders share insights and advice on navigating the ever-evolving security landscape. From the game-changing updates to the PSPF and the rise of AI in AppSec to building diverse, high-performing teams and leading organisational change, these episodes tackle the biggest challenges and opportunities in cybersecurity today